
Wednesday 23 January 2013

1st timer

Any idea?? hehe lame dah meninggalkan dunia blogging ni.. rasenye last menulis pun ms zaman anak dara.. start bekeluarga, sume ditinggalkan.. 

so meh kite start balik.. sharing is caring.. kat sini sy nak share pengalaman sdiri menggunakan produk shaklee, nak share kebaikan2 yg produk shaklee bole bg & u can contact me for free consultation regarding ur health level & which vit is suitable for u & whole family needs..

as i start consume vit shaklee since year 2010, after my 2nd child age 6mths.. that time i bought shaklee set for bf, i want to increase my milk suply & its really help.. so i continue consume shaklee till now.. dah dpt bbay ke 3, 3 bln lps (happy coz 1st 2 are boy, 3rd 1 only gugurl).. Alhamdulillah..

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jangan segan silu tinggalkan komen anda.. terima kasih..